''If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite'' - William Blake

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Oh Jessey B. Good!

Jessey and I, we would have made the ultimate quirky love story. Chance collides with coincidence countered with cheekiness.

You see, we didn’t meet while in school or college and held hands on our way to classes; neither did we meet in a club and exchanged phone numbers and tongues amidst the hypnotic beats of house; nor through mutual friends, over coffee and conversation, who thought we’d be “cool together”.

I never knew answering an ad looking for live fish would mark the start of someone new in my life. To cut a long story short, I needed to get to the interview location, Jessey provided the map with some funny remarks in the email; I replied to express my gratitude, Jessey answered through an sms. From then on, it was one laugh-out-loud sms after another. It lasted for hours...until we were standing before each other, grinning.

At the end, I wasn’t the sort of live fish the advertisers were looking for, but who cares, I met someone interesting. Whoever heard of walking out of an interview with a new friend instead of a new job? Yeah, it could happen...but what are the chances?

Yeah, it would have been the ultimate quirky love story...if Jessey was a man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i've heard this one before. 'tis a common story, no?

11:04 am, July 29, 2005

Blogger kong yoke said...

probably...but it's my first :-)

11:23 am, July 29, 2005

Blogger ogres are like onions said...

so how come no more sms-es? you're my first too. many firsts, in fact. tee hee.

and psssst... i'm bisexual.

jessey m. good

2:09 pm, July 29, 2005

Blogger Kit said...

i like Girls

who like girls.

2:38 pm, August 01, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

idiot u, moronsickobitch.. dah gersang habes la tu? bukan aku sorang aje ke ur lesbo partner?.. hahaa.. yokie yokie

5:01 pm, August 01, 2005

Blogger Su-Yin said...

eh farrah, bukan ko tak tau si yoke tu omni-sexual. semua dia sapu.

12:32 am, August 02, 2005

Blogger kong yoke said...

jessey: i'm so sorry for not getting back to you baby but i didn't wanna rush it.

'sides, i already made the first move when i asked you out to dinner with me that evening itself but you were too occupied playing tambourine in your band ;P

kit: i like girls who like girls too. heh.

farrah: you're not my first and you most certainly will not be my last, dahlink! live with it.

su-yin: yalah, ko pon i dah sapu kan? >:P

8:05 pm, August 02, 2005


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